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Liste des publications/List of publications

1. Livres/Books
1.1. Livres principaux/Main books
Autres éditions : Hachette Pluriel (2006). Grasset (2014). Points Histoire (2016). Annexes (pdf). Database (xls).
Le capital au 21e siècle, Ed. du Seuil, 2013, 970p. Données, graphiques et annexes. Autre éditionPoints Histoire (2019).
Capital in the 21st century, Harvard University Press, 2014, 698p. Data, figures and appendices. Debates.
Capital et idéologie, Ed. du Seuil, 2019, 1232p. Données, graphiques et annexes. Autre édition: Points Histoire (2022).
Capital and ideology, Harvard University Press, 2020, 1093p. Data, figures and appendices.
Une brève histoire de l'égalité, Ed. du Seuil, 2021, 350p. Données, graphiques et annexes. Autre édition: Points Histoire (2023).
A Brief History of Equality, Harvard University Press, 2022, 274p. Data, figures and appendices.
A History of Political Conflict. Elections and Social Inequalities in France, 1789-2022 (co-written with J. Cagé), Harvard University Press, 2025, forthcoming
1.2. Ouvrages collectifs/Collective volumes
Top incomes: a global perspective (co-edited with A.B. Atkinson), Oxford University Press, 2010, 776 p.
World Inequality Report 2018 (co-edited with F. Alvaredo, L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman) WIL, 2018, 300p. Online version, Data Appendix (Harvard University Press, 2018, 332p.). Rapport sur les inégalités mondiales 2018 (co-dirigé par F. Alvaredo, L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman), Seuil, 2018, 510p.

Political cleavages and social inequalities. A study of 50 democracies (1948-2020) (co-edited with A. Gethin and C. Martinez-Toledano), Harvard University Press, 2021, 580p. Clivages politiques et inégalités sociales. Une étude de 50 démocraties (1948-2020) (co-dirigé avec A. Gethin et C. Martinez-Toledano), EHESS/Gallimard/Seuil, 2021, 624p.

World Inequality Report 2022 (co-edited with L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman), WIL, 2022, 236p. Online version, Data Appendix. (Harvard University Press, 2022, 253p.). Rapport sur les inégalités mondiales 2022 (co-dirigé par L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman), Seuil, 2022, 491p.

1.3. Autres livres/Other books
L'économie des inégalités, Ed. la Découverte, 1997, 122 p.
Autre édition : 7e éd. (2015). English translation: Harvard University Press (2015).

Pour une révolution fiscale. Un impôt sur le revenu pour le 21e siècle, co-écrit avec C. Landais et E. Saez, Ed. du Seuil, 2011, 133 p.

Capital is back: wealth-income ratios in rich countries, 1700-2010, co-written with G. Zucman, PSE, 2013, 978p. (short version & appendix)

Pour un traité de démocratisation de l'Europe, co-écrit avec S. Hennette, G. Sacriste et A. Vauchez, Ed. du Seuil, 2017, 96p.

How to Democratize Europe, co-written with S. Hennette, G. Sacriste, A. Vauchez, HUP, 2019

Manifeste pour la démocratisation de l'Europe, co-écrit avec M. Bouju, L. Chancel, A.L. Delatte, S. Hennette, G. Sacriste, A. Vauchez, 2018, 52p.

Manifesto for the democratization of Europe, co-written with M. Bouju, L. Chancel, A.L. Delatte, S. Hennette, G. Sacriste, A. Vauchez, 2018, 52p. (other translations available at

Changer l'Europe, c'est possible, co-écrit avec M. Bouju, L. Chancel, A.L. Delatte, S. Hennette, G. Sacriste, A. Vauchez, Ed. du Seuil, Points Essai, 2019, 93p. (

Mesurer le racisme, vaincre les discriminations, Ed. du Seuil, Libelle, 2022, 65p.

Nature, culture et inégalités. Une perspective comparative et historique, Société d'ethnologie, 2023, 85p. Nature, culture and inequality. A comparative and historical perspective, Other press, 2024, 96p.

1.4. Recueils de chroniques/Chronicles

Vive la gauche américaine ! Chroniques 1998-2004, Éd. de l'Aube, 2004, 194p.

Peut-on sauver l'Europe? Chroniques 2004-2012, Ed. LLL, 2012, 271p.

Aux urnes, citoyens ! Chroniques 2012-2016, Ed. LLL, 2016, 268p.

Vivement le socialisme ! Chroniques 2016-2020, Ed. du Seuil, 2020, 326p.

Vers le socialisme écologique. Chroniques 2016-2024, Ed. du Seuil, 2024, 251p.

Various translations

2. Academic articles/articles universitaires
2.1. Main academic articles in english
Implementation of first-best allocations via generalized tax schedules, Journal of economic theory, vol. 61, no 1, 1993, p. 23-41
Existence of fair allocations in economies with production, Journal of public economics, vol. 55, no 3, 1994, p. 391-405
Social mobility and redistributive politics, Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 110, no 3, 1995, p. 551-584
A Federal voting mechanism to solve the fiscal-externality problem, European economic review, vol. 40, no 1, 1996, p. 3-17
The Dynamics of the wealth distribution and the interest rate with credit-rationing, Review of economic studies, vol. 64, no 2, 1997, p. 173-189
Self-fulfilling beliefs about social status, Journal of public economics, vol. 70, no 1, 1998, p. 115-132.
Dualism and macroeconomic volatility, Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 114, no 4, 1999, p. 1359-1397 (with P. Aghion, A. Banerjee)
The Information-aggregation approach to political institutions, European economic review, vol. 43, no 4-6, 1999, p. 791-800.
Voting as communicating, Review of economic studies, vol. 67, no 1, 2000, p. 169-191
Theories of persistent inequality and intergenerational mobility, Handbook of income distribution, vol.1, North-Holland, 2000, p. 429-476.
Income inequality in France, 1901-1998, Journal of political economy, vol. 111, no 5, 2003, p. 1004-1042. [working paper (pdf)]  [data files (xls)]
Income inequality in the United States, 1913-1998, Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 118, no 1, 2003, p. 1-39 (with E. Saez) [working paper (pdf)] [data files (xls)] [updated series] (with E. Saez)
Top income shares in the long run: an overview , Journal of the European economic association, vol. 3-4, no 3, 2005, p. 1-11.
Top indian incomes, 1922-2000, World bank economic review, no 19, 2005, p. 1-20. (with A. Banerjee) [working paper (pdf)] [data files (xls)]
Wealth concentration in a developing economy: Paris and France, 1807-1994, American economic review, vol.96, no 1, 2006, p. 236-256 (with G. Postel-Vinay, J.L. Rosenthal) [working paper (pdf)] [data files (zip)] [data files (xls)]
The evolution of top incomes : a historical and international perspective, American economic review, vol.96, no 2, 2006, p. 200-205 (with E. Saez)  [data files (xls)]
How progressive is the U.S. federal tax system ? A historical and international perspective, Journal of economic perspectives, vol. 21, no 1, 2007, p. 1-24 (with E. Saez) [data files (xls)]
Income inequality and progressive income taxation in China and India: 1986-2015, American economic journal: applied economics, vol. 1, no 2, 2009, p. 53-63 (with N. Qian) [working paper (pdf)] [data files (xls)]
Top incomes in the long run of history, Journal of economic litterature, vol. 49, no 1, 2011, p. 3-71 (with A.B. Atkinson, E. Saez) [data files (xls)] [World Top Incomes Database]
On the long-run evolution of inheritance: France 1820-2050, Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 126, no 3, 2011, p. 1071-1131 [working paper (pdf)] [data appendix]
Optimal taxation of labor income, Handbook of public economics, North-Holland, 2013, vol.5, chap.7, p.391-474 (with E. Saez) [working paper]
The top 1% in international and historical perspective, Journal of economic perspectives, vol.27, n.3, 2013, p.1-21 (with F. Alvaredo, A.B. Atkinson, E. Saez) [data files (xls)]
Top incomes and the Great Recession, IMF economic review, vol.61, n.1, 2013, p.456-478. (with E. Saez) [data files (xls)]
Inherited vs self-made wealth: theory and evidence from a rentier society (Paris 1872-1927), Explorations in economic history, vol.51, n.1, 2014, p.21-40 (with G. Postel-Vinay, J.L. Rosenthal) [working paper (pdf)] [data appendix]
Optimal taxation of top labor incomes: a tale of three elasticites, American economic journal: economic policy, vol.6, n.1, 2014, p.230-271 (with E. Saez, S. Stantcheva) [working paper (pdf)]  [data files (zip)]
Capital is back: wealth-income ratios in rich countries 1700-2010, Quarterly journal of economics, vol.129, no.3, 2014, p.1155-1210 (with G. Zucman) [working paper (pdf)] [data appendix] [full-length working paper (pdf)]
Wealth and inheritance in the long run, Handbook of Income Distribution, vol.2B, chapter 15, p.1303-1368, North-Holland, 2015 (with G. Zucman) [data appendix]
Inequality in the long run, Science, vol.344, no.6186, 2014, p.838-844 (with E. Saez) [supp. material] [data files (xls)] [slides (ted talk) (xls)]
Putting the study of the distribution back at the center of economics, Journal of Economic perspectives, vol.29, no.1, 2015, p.67-88
About Capital in the 21st century, American economic review, vol.105, no.5, 2015, p.48-53 [data appendix
Toward a Political and Historical Economics, Annales: histoire, sciences sociales, janvier-mars 2015, n.1, p.125-138
On the share of inheritance in aggregate wealth: Europe and the USA, 1900-2010, Economica, vol.84, 2017, p.237-260 (with F. Alvaredo, B. Garbinti) [data (zip)]
Global Inequality Dynamics: New Evidence from, American Economic Review, vol.107(5), 2017, p.404-409 (with F. Alvaredo, L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman). Working Paper Version. Data Files. Slides
Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Estimates for the United States, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol.133(2), 2018, p.553-609 (with E. Saez, G. Zucman) ( Working Paper, Slides, Data Appendix and Data Files)
Income Inequality in France 1900-2014: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts (DINA), Journal of Public Economics, vol.162, 2018, p.63-77 (with B. Garbinti, J. Goupille-Lebret) ( WP) (Slides, Appendix, Data files)
From Soviets to Oligarchs: Inequality and Property in Russia 1905-2016, Journal of Economic Inequality, vol.16, 2018, p.189-223, (with F. Novokmet, G. Zucman, 2017) ( WP) (Appendix, Data Files)

The Elephant Curve of Global Inequality and Growth, AEA Papers and Proceedings, vol.108, 2018, p.103-108 (with F. Alvaredo, L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman) ( WP)

From Communism to Capitalism: Private vs Public Property and Inequality in China and Russia , AEA Papers and Proceedings, vol.108, 2018, p.109-113 (with F. Novokmet, L. Yang, G. Zucman, 2018) ( WP)

Measuring Inequality in the Middle East: the World's Most Unequal Region?, Review of Income and Wealth, vol.65, 2019, p.685-711 (with F. Alvaredo, L. Assouad) ( WP) (Appendix, Data)

Simplified Distributional National Accounts, AEA Papers and Proceedings, vol.109, 2019, p.289-295 (with E. Saez, G. Zucman) ( WP)

Capital Accumulation, Private Property and Rising Inequality in China, 1978-2015, American Economic Review, vol.109, 2019, p.2469-2496 (with L. Yang, G. Zucman) ( WP) (Slides, Appendix, Main Data Files, Full Data Files)

Indian Income Inequality, 1922-2015: from British Raj to Billionaire Raj?, Review of Income and Wealth, vol.65, 2019, p.S33-S62 (with L. Chancel) ( WP)

Growing Cleavages in India? Evidence from the Changing Structure of Electorates 1962-2014, Economic and Political Weekly, 2019, vol.104(11), p.34-44 (with A. Banerjee, A. Gethin) ( WP 2019/05) (Data Appendix)

Towards a System of Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Global Inequality Estimates from, Economics and Statistics, 2020, vol.517-518-519, p.41-59 (with F. Alvaredo, L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman)

Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021, vol.19(1), p.620-663  ( WP 2016/05) ( WP 2020/05)

Capital and Ideology: A Global Perspective on Inequality Regimes, British Journal of Sociology, 2021, vol.72, p.139-150

Capital, Power and the Learning of Justice, Oeconomia: History, Methodology, Philosophy, 2021, vol.11(1), p.207-227

About Capital, Socialism and Ideology, Analyse & Kritik: Journal of Social Theory and Philosophy, 2021, vol.43(1), p.147-168

Inequality under Colonial Rule: Evidence from French Algeria, Cameroon, Tunisia, Vietnam and comparisons with British colonies 1920-1960, Journal of Development Economics, 2021, vol.152, p.1-20 (with F. Alvaredo & D. Cogneau) ( WP 2020/14)

Global Income Inequality 1820-2020: The Persistence and Mutation of Extreme Inequality, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021, vol.19(6), p.3025-3062 (with L. Chancel) (WID WP 2021/19)

Generalized Pareto Curves: Theory and Applications, Review of Income and Wealth, 2022, vol.68(1), p.263-288 (with T. Blanchet, J. Fournier) ( WP 2017/03) (Gpinter: Online Tools and Computer Codes)

Brahmin Left vs Merchant Right: Changing Political Cleavages in 21 Western Democracies 1948-2020, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2022, vol.137(1), p.1-48 (with A. Gethin, C. Martinez-Toledano) (WID WP 2021/15) (Online Appendix) (

Twenty Years and Counting: Thoughts about Measuring the Upper Tail, Journal of Economic Inequality, 2022, vol.20(1), p.255-264 (with E. Saez, G. Zucman)

Income and Wealth Inequality in Hong Kong 1981-2020: The Rise of Pluto-Communism? , World Bank Economic Review, 2022, vol.36(4), p.803-834 (with L. Yang) (WID WP 2022/10)

Rethinking Capital and Wealth Taxation, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2023, vol.39, p.575-591 (with E. Saez, G. Zucman) (WIL WP 2022/18)

Predistribution vs Redistribution: Evidence from France and the US, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2024, vol.16(2), p.31-65 (with A. Bozio, B. Garbinti, J. Goupille-Lebret, M. Guillot) (Online Appendix) (WID WP 2020/22) (WID WP 2018/10)

2.2. Other academic articles in english

Income distribution theory : a survey of selected recent contributions, In : MUNDLAK Y. (ed.) : Contemporary economic issues. Vol. 2, Labour, food and poverty (IEA conference; vol. 22), Basingstoke : MacMillan Press, 1998, p. 25-38

Are the rich growing richer? Evidence from indian tax data, In : DEATON A., KOZEL V. (Eds) : Data and dogma : the great indian poverty debate, S.l. : McMillan press, 2004, p. 598-611 (with A. Banerjee)

The Kuznets' curve, yesterday and tomorrow, In : BANERJEE A., BENABOU R., MOOKERHEE D. (Eds) : Understanding poverty, Oxford : Oxford university press, 2006, 21 p.

Top incomes over the twentieth century : a summary of main findings [chap. 1], In : Top incomes over the twentieth century : a contrast between continental european and english-speaking countries, Oxford : Oxford university press, 2007, p. 1-17

Income and wealth concentration in Switzerland over the twentieth century [chap. 11], In : Top incomes over the twentieth century : a contrast between continental european and english-speaking countries, Oxford: Oxford university press, 2007, p. 472-500. [data series] (with F; Dell, E. Saez)

Towards a unified data set on top incomes [chap. 13], In : Top incomes over the twentieth century : a contrast between continental european and english-speaking countries, Oxford: Oxford university press, 2007, p. 531-565. (with A. B. Atkinson)

Wealth taxation in the 21st century: a personal view, In : Dimensions of Tax Design: The Mirrlees Review, London : Institute for Fiscal Studies; Oxford : Oxford university press, 2010, 10 p.

The Dynamics of Income Concentration over the Twentieth Century. The Case of Advanced Economies, In : Markets, the State and the Dynamics of Inequality, ouvrage coordonné par Luis Felipe Lopez-Calva et Nora Lustig, Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, 2010, 43 p. (with F. Alvaredo)

Top incomes in the long run of history, in Top Incomes: A Global Perspective, Oxford: Oxford university press, 2010, chapter 13, 92 p. [data series] (with A.B. Atkinson, E. Saez)

Should We Make the Richest Pay to Meet Fiscal Adjustment Needs?, in The Role of Tax Policy in Times of Fiscal Consolidation, European Commission, 2013, p.99-103.

France: how taxation can increase inequality, in Changing Inequalities and societal impacts in rich countries, Oxford University Press, 2014, chapter 11, p.248-270 (with N. Frémeaux)

Decarbonization requires redistribution, in The Climate Book, Allen Lane, 2023, p.405-409 (with L. Chancel)

Towards Tax Justice and Wealth Redistribution in India: Proposals Based on Latest Inequality Estimates, Economic and Political Weekly, 2024, vol. 59(21), p.91-96 (with N. Bharti, L. Chancel, A. Somanchi)

2.3. Articles universitaires en français
Inégalités et redistribution : développements théoriques récents, Revue d'économie politique, no 34, 1994, p. 769-800.
Les Créations d'emploi en France et aux Etats-Unis. Services de proximité contre petits boulots?, Les Notes de la Fondation Saint-Simon, no 93, 1997, 55 p. Article également publié dans Les Notes de la Fondation Saint-Simon Une expérience intellectuelle (1983-1999), Calmann-Lévy, 1999, p. 195-257, ainsi que dans La Revue de la CFDT n°4 (1997), p. 3-39
Immigration et justice sociale, Revue économique, vol. 45, no 8, 1997, p. 1291-1309
La Redistribution fiscale contre le chômage, Revue française d'économie, vol. 12, no 1, 1997, p. 157-203
Individualisme méthodologique et économie de l'information, In : SAINT-SERNIN B., PICAVET E, FILLIEULE R., [et al.] : Les Modèles de l'action, Paris : Presses universitaires de France, 1998, p. 117-125
Les Inégalités dans le long terme, In : Conseil d'analyse économique : Inégalités économiques, Paris : la Documentation française, 2001, p. 137-204.
Hauts revenus et inégalités, Annales : histoire, sciences sociales, vol. 58, no 3, 2003, p. 673-702 (avec F. Bourguignon, G. Postel-Vinay)
L'impact de l'allocation parentale d'éducation sur l'activité féminine et la fécondité en France, 1982-2002, In : LEFEVRE C. (Ed.): Histoires de familles, histoires familiales, Les Cahiers de l'INED no 156, 2005, p. 79-109.  [document de travail (version longue)]
Fiscalité et redistribution sociale dans la France du 20e siècle, In : LEVY-LEBOYER M., LESCURE M., PLESSIS A. (Eds) : L'Impôt en France aux XIXe et XXe siècles, Paris : Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France, 2006, pp.109-116
De beaux lendemains, Rencontres de Pétrarque, France Culture Papiers, hiver 2014, p.114-121
Vers une économie politique et historique, Annales: histoire, sciences sociales, janvier-mars 2015, n.1, p.125-138 [couv. (pdf)]  [sommaire (pdf)] suivant [résumés (pdf)]
Les métamorphoses du capital, Revue de l'OFCE, mars 2015, n.137, p.9-29
Jourdan, un campus pour les sciences sociales, L'Archicube, 2016, vol.21, p.148-152
Vers un système de comptes nationaux distributifs : méthodes et estimations des inégalités mondiales avec les données, Economie et Statistiques, 2020, vol.517-518-519, p.41-59 (avec F. Alvaredo, L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman)
A propos de Capital et idéologie, Revue de philosophie économique, 2021, vol.22(1), p.255-272
Capital et idéologie: éléments pour une histoire des régimes inégalitaires, Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, 2021, vol.68(4), p.63-71

2.4. Autres articles et notes techniques/Other articles and technical notes
Rapport sur la faisabilité d'un impôt sur le capital, 2005, 49 p. (avec A. Bozio, F. Dell)
Rethinking Capital and Wealth Taxation, 2013, 20p. (with E. Saez, G. Zucman)

Carbon and Inequality: from Kyoto to Paris (with L. Chancel, Working Paper 2015/7)

Distributional National Accounts (DINA) Guidelines: Concepts and Methods used in (with F. Alvaredo, T. Atkinson, L. Chancel, E. Saez, G. Zucman, WP 2016/2)