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Thomas Piketty - Welcome to my home page

Curriculum vitae
Born in Clichy (France) on May 7, 1971
Paris School of Economics. Campus Jourdan
48, boulevard Jourdan . 75014 Paris . France
Mail : name at

Short bio

Thomas Piketty is Professor of Economics and Economic History at EHESS and at the Paris School of Economics. His research lies at the intersection of historical political economy and socio-economic history. He is the author of research articles published in journals such as the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Political Economy, the American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies, Explorations in Economic History, Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales. He has done historical and theoretical work on the interplay between economic development, the distribution of income and wealth, and political conflict.These works have led to emphasize the role of political, social and fiscal institutions in the historical evolution of income and wealth distribution. Thomas Piketty is also co-director of the World Inequality Lab and the World Inequality Database, and one of initiators of the Manifesto for the democratization of Europe. He is the author of several books including Capital in the 21st century (2014), Capital and ideology (2020) and A Brief History of Equality (2022).

Current position
Professor at EHESS and at the Paris School of Economics
Training and positions
1989-1990 : M.Sc. in Mathematics at Ecole normale supérieure (ENS, Paris, France)
1990-1993 : PhD in Economics at EHESS and at LSE (European Doctoral Programme in Economics)
1993-1995 : Assistant Professor at MIT Economics Department
1995-2000 : Research Fellow at CNRS (Paris, France)
2000- : Professor (directeur d'études) at EHESS (Paris, France)
2007- : Professor at the Paris School of Economics
Other positions
1996-2012 : Co-editor of the Journal Public Economics
2000 : Visiting Professor at MIT Economics Department
2002-2013 : Co-director of the Public Policy Programme at CEPR (London, UK)
2004-2006 : Director of the Department of social sciences at ENS
2004-2006 : Head of graduate programme "Analyse et politique économiques (APE)"
2005-2007 : Director of the Paris School of Economics
2011-2015 : Co-Director, World Top Incomes Database (WTID)
2013 : Prize "Yrjö Jahnsson" awarded by the European Economic Association
2015-2016 : Visiting Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics (part-time visiting position)
2015- : Co-Director, World Inequality Database ( and World Inequality Lab (WIL)